Sunday, April 27, 2014


this is the window.

yum yum yum yum small melon seeds

I think these are some kind of funky marshmallow snack

here is a shelf

I have actually bought bags of seeds like this while I was in Germany. Don't judge.

another shelf

more shelves. this is the pickle shelf

DR OETKER PUDDING I lived on that stuff in Germany.

BULGARIAN CHEESE I swear that was such a happy moment

that small child is so happy about his chocolate

I brought five boxes of those wafers home from Bulgaria

I ate these on the sketchy train in Bulgaria. They are not as good as they look.

Evelyn wouldn't let me take a picture of her, so she sent me a good one.

Mina sent us to a grocery store called Parisa (named afther the owner’s daughter) to pick up all of the ingredients that we would need for our Iranian food. It was like Christmas. No joke. I found Bulgarian Cheese there. And Kinder Regel. And Dr. Oetker baking stuff. And all of this other amazing stuff.    

AND we met Evelyn. She is from the Philippines and taught us about Adobo. Apparently, adobo is the most common filipino dish. It will be my new challenge if I ever find time to not be studying for AP tests. She was a kick.

If the night with Mina and her family hadn’t been so amazing I probably would say that going to Parisa was the best part of my day but the day was just so good.

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