Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Eating--A Day In the Life of Sophia: The National Boulangerie

what Annie and I ate for lunch. not to shabby
this is the best picture of Lusi and me at National. unfortunately, I look bald
 lookin' classsy

she asked me to take this
my selfie at engineering day next to a t shirt from the dam exhibit

the starbucks chronicles: me and my giant water
the starbucks chronicles: our ship
the starbucks chronicles: my struggle

 towards the beginning.                              then our plan for them.
our struggle not to be noticed when a friend came over to chat with them. and then when we discovered that they just met
the next day Annie bc I don't have a picture of her that day.

There comes a moment in time when a girl feels she must drink coffee out of a bowl. Before, I had to fly to San Francisco to do something this classy and glamorous. Or make it at home, but as you know that is never the same. At the beginning of the year a restaurant/cafe opened at the end of our street. My dad was so excited about this that he posted on his facebook about it everyday for a month. This place is beautiful, and great, and incredibly exciting because it might hipster-fy my neighborhood.  I can not get over that possibility, though I am afraid my excitement keeps me from being a true hipster. One day I will do a post all about the cool stuff that goes down on National Ave inside of this fabulous building. (I will not do it today because I do not have any decent pictures. However my friends and I have a definite plan in the works to dress up like real hipsters, actually put on make-up, and hang out at National acting cool and aloof until we come up with something else that is hipster to do in Lexington. That day will come, and it will be grand.) Soon I will post about all they have to offer and how cool the National Boulangerie is. This is just a sneak peek.

Over the weekend I went there twice.

On Friday night my Bulgarian, Lusi, picked me up and we drove the block there. We did this because she got her license. I find this depressing because she is a full year and 1 month younger than me and I still have my permit. Basically, my laziness depresses me occasionally. We stayed there for an hour gossiping, drinking coffee from bowls, and trying to look sophisticated while surreptitiously taking selfies to commemorate the moment. Funny story: we wanted coffee in bowls so badly that I asked the lady at the counter which coffee came in a bowl to be sure we got what we wanted. She judged me hardcore. It was worth it. While gossip took up the majority of our conversation, as it usually does when I’m around, we also made our fifth (sixth? seventh? twenty-eighth?) plan of our trip to Europe. Our focus is normally Greece, but this time it was Paris in honor of our surroundings. Around six it looked like they were closing up but I was so sure that they stayed open till seven that we sat there for 15 minutes. I was wrong. It was awkward. However, it paid off because they gave me free bread. After going there once and not coming back with a baguette, my father was so disappointed and angry that he made me promise to never leave there without bread again. So obviously I stuck to my promise and asked for a baguette. They were out so they just gave me two loaves of 7 grain bread for free. If only Jean Valjean had them in his town, Les Mis would have never happened. It was an incredibly exciting moment in my life. Lusi and I came home and ate exorbitant amounts of bread with honey and cream cheese, and then more with asiago cheese. Ever since then I have been researching good bread recipes. That will be happening soon.

On Saturday I walked to Engineering day at UK while eating a piece of that free bread. After taking a selfie as evidence that I was there, Annie and I decided to go somewhere to work on our mentoring projects. She is writing a book!! I can’t handle how cools she is. Still reeling from getting free bread, I suggested we go to National. So we went. I ordered a breakfast pizza, with cheese bacon and a sunnyside up egg on it. It would have been delicious but it was just a little cold so the egg wasn’t an awesome addition. But I felt crazy cool eating it so… Annie got a pesto, mozzarella, and tomato sandwich and housemade chips. I was just a little jealous. We also split a pain au chocolat to go with our coffee and tea. We went all out. That kinda thing makes us feel like grown ups. Afterwards, we went to Starbucks to work but got nothing done because we spent the entire time shipping the two people sitting across from us. I have included some snippets of our conversation and our time there because they are hilarious.

Ok. I honestly did not mean for this to be so long. I think I rambled, however I enjoy it so it’s staying. I like talking about what happens when I eat food places. I promise I will post a real post next time.

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